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Jeep XJ, camoflauge tent, winter forest, survival, camping, bug out, worst case, apocalypse, self-sufficiency


We at Worst-Case Survival Blog believe that modern society has become a complex system of interdependencies that unintentionally puts us in a precarious state. The provision of our basic needs requires the complex system to remain operational. Self-sufficiency has been traded for convenience and efficiency. When all the moving parts function as intended, the complex machine that is modern society motors along in fragile synchronicity. However, if any of the key components fail, the entire system is in jeopardy of cataclysmic collapse, house-of-cards style. That is the realm that we at Worst-Case Survival Blog exist in: we hope for the best, but prepare for the worst, namely, societal-collapse-level events. We believe that the survival of our loved ones is too important to be entrusted to fragile systems. Further:

  • We aren't anti-establishment; however, our faith in economic, political, and social systems is limited.

  • We aren't conspiracy theorists; although, we don't believe everything we're told.  

  • We don't discuss race, religion, gender, or sexuality; we respect all and exclude none.

  • We view survival as a mindset; it's about perseverance and doing the best you can with what you have. 

  • We don't limit our scope to any single type of event; rather, we want to be ready for anything. 

  • We aren't hoping for society to collapse; we just ready ourselves for the possibility that it will.

Some may dismiss us as 'doomsday preppers', or whatever derogatory term they prefer, but we are comfortable with our decision to prepare, and don't see value in arguing with those who haven't realized its importance yet. Whether you are already well prepared, or you are just starting to take steps to prepare for an uncertain future, we hope we can be a resource that you find helpful. Welcome!


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